The Best of the Best Pharmacy Awards were launched by SingleCare in 2019 as a way to honor pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy staffs who go above and beyond throughout the U.S. We recognize the people in pharmacy who provide exceptional service, education, and savings.

Each year, we call upon customers to nominate their favorite people at the pharmacy, whether it’s the pharmacist, the pharmacy technician, or the whole staff. From those thousands of nominations, award winners are determined based on an evaluation by SingleCare’s Editorial Board, which includes past Best of the Best Pharmacy Award winners.

Best of the Best awards in the press

SingleCare Editorial Board

About SingleCare

SingleCare is a free prescription savings service that provides consumers with free and easy access to consistently low prices on prescription medications at pharmacies nationwide. Users can search for savings via the app or on

Through direct contracts with the nation’s largest pharmacies, including CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens, SingleCare is able to save customers up to 80% on their medications. It handles hundreds of thousands of prescriptions per day and has helped millions of people across the U.S. save a combined $4 billion on their medications.