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Vitamins you should take in the winter

These supplements help to boost immunity during cold and flu season

Key takeaways

  • Vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, vitamin D, Zinc, and probiotic supplements are recommended in winter to boost immunity and overall health.

  • Vitamin C is celebrated for its anti-viral properties and is essential for a strong immune system, requiring dietary intake or supplementation.

  • Vitamin D supplementation is particularly beneficial in winter, especially in northern climates, due to reduced sunlight exposure.

  • Zinc is effective in fighting off viruses and bacteria, and starting its supplementation at the onset of sickness can reduce symptoms.

With the temperature dropping and the sun hibernating, there’s no denying that winter is finally here—and with the season comes increased stress and strain on your immune system. Yep, it’s not just your imagination that you tend to get sick more often during the cold-weather months. While colds can strike at any time, they are more common in the fall and winter, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Flu activity also peaks between the months of December and February. On top of that, COVID-19 rates seem to spike in the wintertime.

While all this news may tempt you to hide inside under a blanket until April, that’s hardly a realistic approach to thwart illness. Instead, take more precautions. Wash your hands more frequently, try hanging out with friends outdoors, and wear a mask. On top of that, consider giving your body an extra boost by adding a handful of winter vitamins and supplements to your daily regimen. By taking just a few extra pills each morning, you could be saving yourself literal headaches in the future. 

5 winter vitamins you should take

Here are five vitamins (and supplements) that could improve your health this season.

1. B vitamins

This is a group of water-soluble vitamins known collectively as vitamin B-complex. They include B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folate), and B12 (cobalamin). Though they each have different functions, they all aid in cell metabolism.

B-vitamins completely kick your immune system up a few notches and may add to the overall well-being of your body,” says Angie Kuhn, MS, RDN, Director of Nutrition & Research for Persona Nutrition. “They may soothe the brain, increase nervous system health, boost cellular renewal, improve mood, protect the body from sickness, and promote a healthy happiness that helps to deter the winter blues.” 

One thing to note: If you take biotin (Vitamin B7), you should hold it for at least seven days prior to any lab work you may do as biotin interferes with lab-assays. 

The recommended daily amount differs for each, so check with your physician or pharmacist. 

2. Vitamin C

This water-soluble vitamin, also known as ascorbic acid, is an antioxidant that helps protect your body from free radicals. It also has a long-standing reputation as an immune system ally (though studies differ on its efficacy). Since the body does not produce vitamin C, it’s imperative to get it either through diet (such as broccoli, citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, and strawberries) or supplements. 

“Vitamin C has amazing anti-viral properties and has been shown to assist in decreasing viral infections and may improve immunity,” says Kuhn. “There’s an extra bonus if it contains bioflavonoids, which have been shown to improve the action of vitamin C and all of its benefits.” 

The recommended daily amount of vitamin C for men is 90 mg and for women is 75 mg. 

3. Vitamin D

This fat-soluble vitamin has historically been favored for the role it plays in strengthening bones, as it helps the body absorb calcium. But more recent studies have also linked vitamin D with our immune response, meaning a deficiency could lead to increased susceptibility to infection. We typically get our daily vitamin D requirements from two sources—our diet and the sun—says Lingtak-Neander Chan, Pharm.D., BCNSP, FCCP, FACN, Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Pharmacy at the University of Washington in Seattle. (The latter occurs when UVB rays from sunshine activate our skin tissue to produce vitamin D.) 

“In wintertime, especially for those of us who live in northern climates, the amount of UVB coming through the atmosphere is so low,” says Dr. Chan. “That’s when taking extra supplies—supplemental vitamin D or increasing the dietary vitamin D intake—would be helpful.” 

The recommended daily amount of vitamin D for adults between the ages of 19 and 70 is 600 IU. Older patients should consume at least 1000 IU vitamin D per day to reduce the risk for osteoporosis and fragility fractures. 

4. Zinc

This essential mineral helps the body’s immune system fight off viruses and bacteria—making it a real MVP during cold and flu season. 

Zinc has been shown in studies to be effective in preventing and reducing cold symptoms,” says dietitian LeeAnn Weintraub, MPH, RD. “It helps prevent viruses from adhering to cell walls in the nasal passage and is involved in antibody production, an important immune system process.” If you aren’t already taking zinc and you feel like you’re getting sick, Weintraub says to start taking zinc supplements right away to “feel better sooner.” She adds that zinc lozenges seem to be a particularly effective method of zinc supplementation. 

The recommended daily amount of zinc for men is 11 mg and for women is 8 mg. 

5. Probiotic supplements

These are live microorganisms (or “good bacteria”) that work to help improve your gut flora. 

Probiotic supplements, which are known to enhance immunity and digestive health, are beneficial to take during winter time,” says Weintraub. “Since this is cold and flu season, there’s no better time to focus on strengthening the immune system with friendly bacteria. Probiotics can help replenish the gut with beneficial bacteria and help support digestive harmony in folks who are run down or dealing with tummy troubles.” 

Dosage differs for each, so check with your physician or pharmacist.

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One more thing to note: The safety and effectiveness of vitamins are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, so before stocking up at the store, you should look for at least one of two endorsements, says Dr. Chan

  1. United States Pharmacopeia (USP): This non-profit organization independently tests and reports on supplements. “They analyze the product and then certify the consistency of the product, according to the label,” says Dr. Chan. “If you look for a product with USP certification, at least you have more of a guarantee that you’re getting what you intend to purchase.”
  2. Consumer Reports: The product-testing publication also periodically does its own independent testing of supplements and reports the results. 

Dosage differs for each, so check with your physician or pharmacist—and always mention any supplements you take when filling a prescription.