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Our Medical Review Board

SingleCare’s Medical Review Board comprises experienced medical professionals including physicians, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, and veterinarians. They provide expert review, fact-checking, and medication guidance to ensure that all of our health and wellness content is accurate and up-to-date.

Our editorial standards

  • Medically accurate: SingleCare’s Medical Review Board analyzes all of our content to confirm it’s in line with current medical advice.

  • Evidence based: Our content is sourced from reputable U.S.-based healthcare professionals and peer-reviewed research.

  • Trustworthy: All of SingleCare’s content goes through a multi-phase review process by our writers, editors, and Medical Board in order to provide clear and credible information. 


The word is out about SingleCare

Are you paying too much for your medications? You need to check the SingleCare price first. See how much you can save in our latest commercial.

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