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Raymond Zakhari, DNP, EdM, NP-BC

Medical Reviewer Member of the SingleCare Medical Board
Raymond Zakhari, DNP, EdM, NP-BC, is a triple board certified nurse practitioner with a diverse clinical background ranging from Intensive Care to medical house calls. He began his career at Duke University Medical center in the cardiothoracic ICU and made his way back to the northeast as a traveling ICU and ER nurse. In 2009 he founded Metro Medical Direct, the first concierge, nurse practitioner owned, medical/ psychiatric house calls and tele-health practice in New York City. Dr. Zakhari was also trained in sex therapy at the New York University School of Medicine/Langone Medical Center and is appointed to the staff of New York PresbyterianHospital, department of internal medicine in psychiatry at the Payne Whitney Clinic. He provides consultative services as a Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner. He is a former officer of the New Jersey Air National Guard and has deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He has held adjunct faculty appointments at the Hunter Bellevue School of Nursing, New York University, and Liberty University. Dr. Zakhari hosts a podcast called The Psychology of it All. Over the years, Dr. Zakhari has published in peer-reviewed journals and has presented at both regional and national conferences. He currently is a member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), the Society for Sex Therapists and Researchers (SSTAR), and the International Association of Forensic Nurses.
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