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Todd Hartley

Todd Hartley is a freelance writer, editor, and columnist from Basalt, Colorado. His work has appeared in American Way magazine, the Huffington Post, American Cowboy, and many other print and online publications.
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Diabetes in men
Health Education

Signs of diabetes in men

This condition affects 11% of the male population—these are the symptoms
Biotin for hair growth

Can you take biotin for hair growth?

While the benefits are unproven, many dermatologists say taking this supplement does work
Health Education

6 heat-related illnesses

When the temperatures soar, it can disrupt your body’s ability to cool off—keep an eye on these signs of danger
A blood pressure cuff showing low blood pressure
Health Education

The effects of hypotension

You’ve probably heard of hypertension—when blood pressure is too high. But what happens when you have the opposite problem?
Muscle aches and meds that help
Health Education

7 causes of muscle aches

If you’re sore after exercise, your muscle pain is easily explained. If it arises out of the blue, it could be one of these causes.
Signs of depression in men
Health Education

Unexpected signs of depression in men

It’s not just sadness. These emotions can also indicate a mental health problem for men.
Hands with cream represent contact dermatitis treatment
Health Education

How to treat contact dermatitis

Causes | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Contact dermatitis treatment | Prevention It…
A bottle of aspirin represents reye's syndrome in kids
Health Education

What parents should know about Reye’s syndrome

What is Reye’s syndrome? | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Treatments | Prevention…
A humidifier and OTC meds - flu remedies
Health Education

9 ways to treat the flu

If you want to get better quicker, try these remedies
Heart healthy tips - cupcake and champagne
Health Education

4 heart-healthy holiday tips

Overeating, stress, and festive cocktails can be a dangerous mix. Avoid health troubles with these strategies.
Mexican coin next to pills-buy medicine in Mexico
Drug Info

Is it safe to buy meds in Mexico?

Ordering meds online or bringing them back when you’re on vacation can save you money, but you should keep these risks in mind