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Prescription pad with pill bottle: Common vs. serious Plaquenil side effects
Drug Info

Plaquenil side effects and how to avoid them

Diarrhea, weight loss, and eye problems are some Plaquenil side effects. Here's how to avoid them.
Colorful pills spilling out of bottle: ACE inhibitor types, uses and safety
Drug Info

List of ACE inhibitors: Uses, common brands, and safety information

ACE inhibitors list | What are ACE inhibitors? | How they work…
Hypothyroidism vs. hyperthyroidism - thyroid problems
Health Education

Hypothyroidism vs. hyperthyroidism: Compare causes, symptoms, tr...

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism involve the thyroid in different ways. Hyperthyroidism defines a…
Treatment and Conditions
Health Education

Eczema treatment and medication

What is eczema? | Eczema diagnosis | Eczema treatment options | Eczema…
Hands holding a warm mug represent Raynaud's treatment
Health Education

Could your white hands be Raynaud’s disease?

Here’s how doctors diagnose this blood-constricting syndrome
A woman facing away represents living with chronic pain

I’m living with chronic pain

Like 20% of adults in the U.S., I deal with daily discomfort
Sickle Cell Disease
Health Education

What is sickle cell disease (and how is it treated)?

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of inherited blood disorders that…
How is Humira used?
Drug Info

What is Humira and what is it used for?

What is Humira? | Uses | How it works | Dosages |…
A family talking about family medical history
Health Education

Why is family health history important?

The fourth Thursday in November brings to mind family feasts, turkey trots,…
Sleep Apnea Test (Picture of Pillow and CPAP Machine)
Health Education

Who should get a sleep apnea test?

“I look like the alien from Predator!” This was the caption that…
ICHRON - new chronic disease tool

A new tool could predict a person’s risk of developing a chron...

Over half of all adults living in the United States have one…