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Prescription pad with pill bottle: Spironolactone side effects, warnings and interactions
Drug Info

Spironolactone side effects and how to avoid them

Side effects of spironolactone include elevated potassium, weight loss/gain, and emotional changes
Prescription pad and bottle: Lipitor side effects, warnings, and drug interactions
Drug Info

Lipitor side effects and how to avoid them

Lipitor is a statin that helps lower cholesterol and triglycerides, but it can have side effects such as diarrhea, joint pain, and cold symptoms. Learn about Lipitor side effects, warnings, drug interactions, and how to avoid them.
Various pills, capsules, and supplements: Atorvastatin interactions to be aware of
Drug Info

Lipitor interactions with drugs, vitamins, and foods

Lipitor (atorvastatin) interactions can cause myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, and liver enzyme abnormalities
Prescription pad with pill bottle: Common side effects of Linzess and now to avoid them
Drug Info

Linzess side effects and how to avoid them

Linzess side effects | Serious side effects | How long do side effects…
Rx pad and pill bottle: Finasteride Side Effects
Drug Info

Learn finasteride side effects and how to avoid them

Learn the side effects of finasteride and how to avoid them
Rx pill bottle and prescription pad: Levocetirizine side effects
Drug Info

Levocetirizine side effects and how to avoid them

Levocetirizine side effects include weight gain, kidney problems, and hypotension
woman reading a medication insert - pharmacist intervention
The Checkout

Signs of a bad Rx reaction

Pharmacy staff can help patients with counseling and by being vigilant for new symptoms
Rx pill bottle and prescription pad: Valproic acid side effects
Drug Info

Valproic acid side effects and how to avoid them

Valproic acid side effects include liver damage, weight changes, hair loss, and bradycardia
Rx pill bottle: Acetazolamide side effects
Drug Info

Acetazolamide side effects and how to avoid them

Acetazolamide side effects include tingling, electrolyte disorder, and changes in hearing
Rx pills and prescription pad: Nurtec side effects
Drug Info

Nurtec side effects and how to avoid them

Nurtec side effects include allergic reactions
Rx pill bottle: Pramipexole side effects
Drug Info

Pramipexole side effects and how to avoid them

Pramipexole side effects include dyskinesia, sudden sleep attacks, and postural deformity
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