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Patricia Weiser, Pharm.D.

Patricia Weiser graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. After 14 years in community and hospital pharmacy practice, Patricia pivoted into medical writing. She strives to create educational content that encourages patients to embrace an active role in their healthcare.
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pharmacist with a patient - Counseling patients with chronic headaches
The Checkout

Tips for patients with chronic headaches

Pharmacists can recommend over-the-counter medications, and provide advice on other potential causes and treatments
A bottle of pink liquid being poured into a medicine cup: OTC antiemetic medications
Drug Info

OTC antiemetic medications: Relief for nausea and vomiting

Antiemetics are drugs that prevent nausea, such as Dramamine and Pepto-Bismol, which are sold over the counter
A sleeping woman | sleep disorders
The Checkout

Helping patients with insomnia

As a pharmacist, you can provide effective tips and remedies for insomnia
two injection vials - glp-1 benefits
The Checkout

4 benefits of GLP-1 drugs

The health perks for your patients extend beyond diabetes management
Woman holding her left arm: Left arm pain
Health Education

Why does my left arm hurt?

Left arm pain is often caused by injury, vaccines, medications, or heart attack
Blood test vials: MCHC blood test low
Health Education

Low MCHC symptoms and who’s at risk

A low MCHC blood test could indicate anemia. Symptoms of low MCHC include fatigue, weakness, and malaise.
woman exercising - encouraging physical exercise in patients
The Checkout

How to encourage physical activity

Make the most of your interactions by touting the benefits of an active lifestyle
Pharmacy employee smiling - Pharmacy techs in education
The Checkout

Pharmacy techs in education

Learn how pharmacies can benefit from adequately trained technicians—taught by technicians
phamacist counseling a patient - women's health in the pharmacy
The Checkout

Pharmacists & women’s health

Pharmacists can have a significant impact on women's health by providing education, counseling, and medication management services
blue phone - pharmacy not answering phone
Health Education

7 ways to contact your pharmacy

Long hold times and automated menus are frustrating. These tips can help you get in contact with your pharmacist.
basket of cleaning products - pharmacy organization ideas
The Checkout

How to clean your pharmacy

These tips can help you improve your workflow, tidy inventory, and more