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A man scratching his head: Why does my scalp hurt?

Why does my scalp hurt? Related conditions and treatments

You can treat some causes of scalp pain with natural remedies and lifestyle changes
A stacked pile of toilet paper: What causes lower back pain and black stool?

What causes lower back pain and black stool? Related conditions ...

Lower back pain and black stool aren’t typically related but could share a few of the same causes
A bag of groceries with a thought bubble containing question marks: Potassium-rich foods

What are potassium-rich foods?

You can get your recommended daily potassium from a variety of proteins, fruits, and vegetables
Female healthcare provider talking to female patient in exam room: Does Plan B affect your period?

Does Plan B affect your period?

If you take Plan B once during your cycle, your next period may be irregular
Person in a crop top - causes of belly button pain

15 belly button pain causes

There are many different reasons for discomfort around your navel, ranging from indigestion to appendicitis
coffee mug with a heart design - coffee and cholesterol

The coffee-cholesterol link

This beloved morning beverage has the potential to raise blood lipids in certain circumstances
A person with a pillow with two image bubbles over their head: one with a sports drink and one with pain medication

How to cure hangover nausea: Remedies that work

Hydration and sleep are among some of the best cures for hangover nausea, while others are just old wives’ tales
The back of the head of a person with long hair, with pain signals coming from the head: Headache locations and meanings

Headache locations and meanings

Pay attention to the location of your next headache, as it could help you narrow down the cause and find fast relief
A man rubbing his eyes under his glasses, resting his elbows on his desk: What causes temple headaches?

What causes temple headaches? Diagnosis, prevention, and treatment

Stress and muscle tension are likely to blame, but there are other potential causes of temple headaches
Woman holding her heel: Home remedies for cracked heels

12 home remedies for cracked heels

Footwear, skin conditions, weight, career, and medical conditions are all causes of cracked heels
Medical professional holding vitamin bottle: What vitamins can you overdose on?

What vitamins can you overdose on?

Vitamin overdose can lead to temporary side effects such as stomach issues, changes in liver and kidney function, and certain changes in cognitive function
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