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Spearmint leaves inside a mortar and pestle: Best natural testosterone blocker

Best natural testosterone blockers and anti-androgens

Although natural testosterone blockers exist, more research is needed to prove their effectiveness, and some can be dangerous if taken in excess
A vial of blood that says "testosterone test" on it: What lowers testosterone?

What lowers testosterone: Diet, medication, and lifestyle factors

Whether you’re trying to lower maintain your testosterone levels, your lifestyle, diet, and any medications you’re taking play an important role
A purple asthma inhaler:Best medicine for an asthma cough

Best medicine for an asthma cough: Pharmacist recommendations

Cough syrup won’t treat an asthma cough, but there are various inhaled medications that can provide relief
A woman shrugging her shoulders: RNon-itchy red spots on skin: Causes & treatment options

Non-itchy red spots on skin: Causes & treatment options

Any number of things can cause red spots that don’t itch, including acne, rosacea, folliculitis, bleeding under the skin, and more
Man holding his throat and speaking to a pharmacist about medicine

How long does a sore throat last?

A sore throat typically lasts two to seven days, depending on the cause
Someone holding their stomach: Bactrim stomach pain

Bactrim stomach pain: Causes and prevention

Antibiotics like Bactrim may kill some of the gut’s good bacteria while ridding your infection, causing stomach pain that’s preventable
Bottle of eye drops: How long does eyelid eczema last?

How long does eyelid dermatitis last?

Ophthalmologists explain eyelid dermatitis and how to treat it
A stethoscope with a heart between the earpieces: Normal resting heart rate for men

Normal resting heart rate for men by age

Age may determine your target and maximum heart rates, but it doesn’t have as much of an effect on your resting heart rate as other factors, such as hormones, activity levels, stress, and medication
Woman yawning: does depression make you tired?

Does depression make you tired?

Low energy and fatigue are two of the hallmark symptoms of this mental health condition
A woman holding her neck: Cortisol rash: Related causes and treatment

What causes a cortisol rash? Related conditions and treatments

Also called hives, cortisol rashes are often caused by emotional stress
Two feet with a hand itching one of them: Thick peeling skin on feet

Thick peeling skin on feet: Causes and treatment

If you still have thick, peeling skin after treating it with home remedies, it could be worthwhile to see your healthcare provider or a podiatrist to determine whether the cause is an underlying condition