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A stacked pile of toilet paper: What causes lower back pain and black stool?
Health Education

What causes lower back pain and black stool? Related conditions ...

Lower back pain and black stool aren’t typically related but could share a few of the same causes
A cocktail and aloe | Home remedies for heartburn after drinking alcoho

7 fixes for alcohol heartburn

These natural options can help quell the flames when your insides feel like they’re on fire
A small brown dog with tongue out: Omeprazole for dogs

Omeprazole (Prilosec) for dogs

Omeprazole treats ulcers in dogs
Woman smiling with tape measure around her waist: Sea moss benefits
Health Education

Sea moss benefits

Sea moss is said to contain up to 92 of the 102 vitamins and minerals that are present in the human body.
A woman holding her lower right side: What causes lower right side pain in females?
Health Education

Should I be worried about lower right-side pain in females?

Pain in your lower right side may not be anything to worry about, but it could indicate a more serious condition, like appendicitis, kidney stones, or pelvic inflammatory disease if it persists or is accompanied by fever or vomiting
Small brindle dog: Famotidine for dogs

Famotidine (Pepcid) for dogs

Famotidine treats stomach acid in dogs
Someone holding lightly touching their neck and drinking water: Sulfur burps: Causes and treatment
Health Education

Sulfur burps: Causes & treatment

It’s natural for the digestive process to cause belching, but those with a sulfur-like smell shouldn’t happen very often
Someone looking ill with a blanket around their shoulders and holding a mug: How to stop throwing up

How to stop throwing up: Top 10 tips

There are ways to settle your stomach so you can stop vomiting and reduce your risk of dehydration
Man with perplexed look scatching the top of his head: Why do my farts smell bad?
Health Education

Why do farts smell so bad, and how to remedy it

Keeping a food journal can help to discover causes of smelly farts
A stack of donuts — can you get diabetes from eating too much sugar?
Health Education

Does sugar cause diabetes?

The short answer is no—but that doesn’t mean you have free rein to eat sweet treats
Person holding stomach: What causes left-side abdominal pain?
Health Education

Why does my lower left abdomen hurt?

Lower left abdominal pain can have many causes, but diverticulitis is a common culprit