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Rx pills: What can I take instead of topiramate?
Drug Info

Topiramate (Topamax) alternatives: What can I take instead of to...

Topiramate (Topamax) doesn't work for everyone. SV2A inhibitors, valproic acid derivative, carboxamide anticonvulsants, CGRP antagonists, and beta blockers are some topiramate alternatives. Get the full list here.
Migraine injection pen: How much is Aimovig without insurance?
Drug Info

How much is Aimovig without insurance?

Aimovig can be costly without insurance. Learn how to get Aimovig at a lower price or find cheaper alternatives.
Rx tablets: How much is Nurtec (rimegepant) without insurance?
Drug Info

How much is Nurtec (rimegepant) without insurance?

Nurtec costs $1,259 without insurance. Learn how to get Nurtec at a lower price or find cheaper alternatives.
exercises to fight vertigo

4 exercises to relieve vertigo

You can do simple moves to alleviate a dizzy episode
Rx pill bottle and prescription pad: Propranolol for anxiety
Drug Info

Propranolol for anxiety: Does it work?

Propranolol, a beta-blocker, may help reduce physical symptoms of anxiety. Learn the dosage and side effects of propranolol for anxiety.
Main holding his face: Migraine types and symptoms
Health Education

What are the types of migraine headaches?

Different types of migraines have unique symptoms and triggers. Learn about migraine types and treatments.
person holding groceries-migraine diet

The best migraine diet

Avoiding certain food triggers could help reduce the frequency and severity of attacks
How long do migraines last? A man with a clock
Health Education

How long do migraines last?

The different phases can last from hours to days
person holding their forehead - how to get rid of caffeine headache

6 caffeine headache fixes

If you missed your daily latte, these steps can help relieve your pain
An illustration of living with migraine

How I manage chronic migraine

For four months, I had a migraine every day. Then, I found the lifestyle changes and medication regimen that worked.
A woman making a shhhh sound represents silent migraine
Health Education

What is a silent migraine?

Here’s what to know about a migraine that comes with all the symptoms—except the headache