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Iced coffee next to blood pressure cuff - does caffeine raise blood pressure

Does caffeine raise BP?

This stimulant has a short term effect on your cardiovascular system
Woman working out - nausea after working out

Post-workout nausea 101

Here’s what you need to know if you feel queasy post-exercise
inhaler and air filter _ how to stop asthmatic cough

Asthmatic cough 101

Treatment for this kind of asthma usually includes prescription medicines, such as inhalers, but lifestyle changes can also help
dog and air filter - in home allergies

7 ways to reduce home allergens

Whether it is washing your sheets or using an air purifier, there are many ways to reduce indoor allergens
Body weight scale and insulin: how to lose weight with insulin resistance

9 tips for insulin resistance

It may be harder to slim down with this condition, but not impossible—with these tips
Stethoscope with notebook and pen: How to stop hand tremors naturally

How to stop hand tremors (shaky hands) naturally

The best exercises for hand tremors include hand and wrist exercises, and wearing weighted hand gloves
Stethoscope with notebook and pen: Colon cancer symptoms

Colon cancer symptoms: What are the early signs of colon cancer?

Signs of colon cancer include bloody stools, persistent abdominal pain, or symptoms of bowel obstruction
Rx Pill bottle and pill packs: How to relieve ear pressure

How to relieve ear pressure

Chewing gum, frequently yawning, and taking prescription or OTC medications are just a few ways to relieve ear pressure
blood sugar testing tools - insulin resistance vs diabetes

Insulin resistance vs. prediabetes

Both conditions involve how your body makes and uses insulin—here’s how to tell them apart
Rx pill bottles and floating Rx pills: Best decongestant for ears

What is the best decongestant for ears?

The best decongestant for ears will depend on why your ears are clogged
Stethoscope and notebook with pen: Inner ear infection

What is an inner ear infection?

Inner ear infections can be particularly bothersome because they affect your balance. Learn the signs of inner ear infection and when to see a doctor.
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