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Guide to erectile dysfunction

The ultimate guide to erectile dysfunction: symptoms, causes, an...

With more than 3 million U.S. cases reported per year, erectile dysfunction…
Anti-anxiety medication and alcohol

Is it safe to take anti-anxiety medication with alcohol?

Some people drink alcohol to curb anxiety. Some take Xanax. Some take…
Medications that make you dehydrated

These sneaky meds could be the reason you’re so dehydrated

Being dehydrated never does a body good. A loss of only 1…
Travel vaccinations - globe

What vaccines you need before traveling overseas

Your passport is ready, and your bags are packed for your overseas…
Traveling with COPD

Planning a trip? Prep with these tips so COPD won’t hold you back

If you have COPD, or know someone who does, you know that…
What can I take for nausea while pregnant? - mint

Treating nausea during pregnancy

More than 70% of pregnant women experience nausea—learn how to treat it
donate prescription drugs - bpx with a pill

Consider donating your unused, unexpired prescription medications

If your medicine cabinet is brimming with prescription medications you never used,…
burnt toast - list of sun sensitive medications

Rx that increase sun sensitivity

These drugs can make you more likely to get a sunburn—here's what you can do
Refrigerated medications

Traveling with refrigerated Rx

Certain drugs can be difficult to travel with—here are tips for keeping it cool
sunburn relief - a lobster and sunscreen bottle

What to do for a bad sunburn

Here are the do’s and don’ts of sunburn treatments, according to skincare professionals
Malaria prevention - suitcase with mosquito

How to prevent malaria when traveling abroad

Every year, roughly 1,500 people in the United States are hospitalized with…
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