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Nausea Relief: 28 nausea medications and home remedies for fast relief
Health Education

What can you take for nausea relief? 28 nausea medications and r...

Learn 28 ways to get rid of nausea - including home remedies and nausea medications
A purple asthma inhaler:Best medicine for an asthma cough
Health Education

Best medicine for an asthma cough: Pharmacist recommendations

Cough syrup won’t treat an asthma cough, but there are various inhaled medications that can provide relief
Image of ibuprofen and person holding their stomach - can you take ibuprofen on an empty stomach
Drug Info

Is ibuprofen safe on an empty stomach?

If you’re taking this pain reliever, here’s how you can minimize the risks of gastrointestinal side effects
A kettle and soup — mucus killing foods

5 mucus-killing foods

Adding these items to your diet when you’re sick could help you get rid of phlegm
Rx liquid medication vs Rx tablet: Pepto-Bismol vs. Tums
Drug vs. Drug

Pepto-Bismol vs. Tums: Differences, similarities, and which is b...

Compare the efficacy, indications, and side effects of Pepto-Bismol vs. Tums
Rx pills compared: Sudafed vs. Mucinex drug comparison
Drug vs. Drug

Sudafed vs. Mucinex: Differences, similarities, and which is bet...

Sudafed and Mucinex are popular OTC medications that treat various symptoms associated with the common cold
Foot bath: home remedies for toenail fungus
Health Education

Remedies for toenail fungus

Get rid of toenail fungus fast with home remedies like vinegar, baking soda, peroxide, and more, or use these effective OTC and RX toenail fungus treatments when natural remedies don't work.
Rx pill bottles and floating Rx pills: Best decongestant for ears
Health Education

What is the best decongestant for ears?

The best decongestant for ears will depend on why your ears are clogged
A man blowing his nose: Best allergy medicine for a runny nose
Health Education

Best allergy medicine for a runny nose

Medication should help, but see an allergist if runny nose allergies become a nuisance
alcohol and cough syrup
Health Education

Can you drink alcohol if you’re taking cough syrup?

A cough can be anything from a minor annoyance to severe misery,…
Can you mix ibuprofen and caffeine?
Drug Info

Do ibuprofen and caffeine mix?

If you’re looking for better pain relief, this combo may work—if done properly