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Adderall vs Adderall XR drug comparisons
Drug vs. Drug

Adderall vs. Adderall XR

Both medications treat ADHD, but work in slightly different ways. Compare the side effects and pricing here.
Rx pill bottle: What you should know about prescription Adderall
Drug Info

What you should know about prescription Adderall

Wondering how to get prescribed Adderall? Here are the steps required for a prescription.
Image of Adderall pills and an orange
Drug Info

Vitamin C and Adderall interactions

Acidic foods and the ascorbic acid they contain can affect how well ADHD medications work
An alarm clock and two Rx pills: How long does Adderall stay in your system?
Health Education

How long does Adderall stay in your system?

Adderall is detectable in the body up to 76 hours after it is taken
Rx prescription pad and Rx pill bottle: Methylphenidate interactions
Drug Info

Methylphenidate interactions to avoid

Methylphenidate is known to have interactions with various types of medications, including other prescription drugs, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, and herbal supplements
Assortment of prescription pill bottles: What's the difference between Vyvanse withdrawal vs. Vyvanse crash?
Drug Info

Vyvanse withdrawal vs. crash

Learn the difference between a Vyvanse withdrawal vs. a crash and what to do when symptoms arise
Rx pill bottles: Find cheaper Concerta
Drug Info

How much is Concerta without insurance?

Concerta can be costly without insurance. Learn how to get Concerta at a lower price, or find cheaper alternatives.
Prescription pill bottles: Signs Vyvanse dose too high
Drug Info

Signs your Vyvanse dose is too high

Your Vyvanse dose may be too high if you have an increase in side effects like anxiety, jitters, or irritability
Rx pill bottle and $20 bills - Vyvanse savings
Drug Info

6 ways to save on Vyvanse

There are a number of options to pay less at the pharmacy
Map of America with charts and graphs: ADHD statistics in children, teens, and adults

ADHD statistics 2024

An estimated 6.1 million children have ADHD in the U.S., but adult ADHD statistics are rising
Rx pills: Focalin vs. Adderall
Drug vs. Drug

Focalin vs. Adderall: Differences, similarities, and which one i...

Both Focalin and Adderall are effective treatment options for ADHD. Compare the stimulants here.