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What happens when you mix Trintellix and alcohol
Drug Info

Can you mix Trintellix and alcohol?

Here’s what you should know about drinking while taking this SSRI depression medication
Vyvanse and alcohol
Drug Info

Do Vyvanse and alcohol mix?

There are four major risks of combining this stimulant with an adult beverage
Eliquis and alcohol: A cocktail and a pill
Health Education

Is it safe to drink with Eliquis?

A drink (or two) doesn’t interact with this Rx, but there are other risks to consider
An image of Humira and alcohol
Drug Info

Is it safe to mix Humira and alcohol?

There is no research on the combination of a drink and this injectable medication, but that doesn’t mean it’s harmless.
Lyrica and alcohol
Health Education

Can you mix Lyrica and alcohol?

Here’s what to consider when taking the nerve pain medication
gabapentin and alcohol mix
Drug Info

What happens if you mix gabapentin and alcohol?

Gabapentin (brand name Neurontin) is a popular prescription drug used to treat…
An image of alcohol and asthma inhaler
Drug Info

Alcohol and asthma: Can I drink while using albuterol or Singulair?

With the holidays around the corner, even if you’re staying home, there’s…
Milk pouring through a sieve represents medications when breastfeeding
Health Education

What really makes it into your breast milk?

This is part of a series on breastfeeding in support of National…
A cocktail and a pill represent Latuda and alcohol
Drug Info

What happens when you mix Latuda and alcohol?

You’ve just taken your daily dose of Latuda with dinner. As you…
Anti-anxiety medication and alcohol
Health Education

Is it safe to take anti-anxiety medication with alcohol?

Some people drink alcohol to curb anxiety. Some take Xanax. Some take…
Alcohol and painkillers
Health Education

Is it safe to take over-the-counter painkillers with alcohol?

Have you ever taken an over-the-counter analgesic (such as Tylenol, Advil, or…